Thursday, 28 February 2008

Brushing up on my dictionary skills...

a little idea I stole from Abby's Blog

Basically your answer to each question must start with the first letter of your name.. (better dig out the dictionary!!)You can't repeat any answers.

What is your name...........................Ben
4 Letter word...............................Bone
Boy Name....................................Brian
Girl Name...................................Bonnie
Occupation..................................Brain Surgeon
Something you wear..........................Bandana
Celebrity...................................Brad Pitt
Something found in a bathroom...............Brush
Reason for being late.......................Banana Skin (slipped on one)
Cartoon Character...........................Bananaman
Something you shout.........................Boo!
Body part...................................Back
Word to describe you........................Beautiful (Of course!!)


Pippa said...

That't too thinking for me. I think I can only just get past P for Pippa.

You are obviously a B for brilliant bendog.


Pippa said...

PS I have more than two girlfriends. There is a list on my Valentine's Day post.


BenTheRotti said...

Pippa!! more than 2!

I definatley need some doggy advise on woo-ing the girlies, I don't even have one!

Ben xx

Duke said...

This looks like fun!
We'll have to try out this game too!
Thanks, Ben!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Katie said...

WOW. We would have a hard time. We are Katie, Zorra, and Sam. We can think of more words for S. LOL. We will make Sam do it!

Abby said...

Yey, you did it! Good job, Ben!

L said...

You did a great job. That looks like a fun game, but you already used all the B's.