Wednesday 2 February 2011


Hello lovely furpals,

I am posting this update with a heavy heart.

Bens family have announced in the last hour that Ben's body has been recovered from the River Calder. Naturally this is devastating news but I would like to thank each and every one of you who took the time to visit, repost, blog, tweet and facebook Ben's Poster. Your kindness and community spirit is very much appreciated.

Please send out love and healing vibes to the Manning Family who have showed strength and admirable courage throughout this ordeal.

RIP Ben - Though the caterpillars life is over, the butterflys has only just begun, spread your wings and fly xxxxxx


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We are so sorry for this information and can only imagine the pain his family has been going through as they searched with hope and ... This is evidently hard for you too, so Jan is sending you a hug. We send purrs and tail wags.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh no ~ we are so very sorry. What tragic news. We are sending our love and thoughts to his family, and friends ~ and to you all.

RIP Ben.

Marg said...

Oh my that is so very sad. WE send many hugs and condolences to the family. We send purrs and woofs too. You are in our thoughts today.

Catio Tales said...

Our sincere condolences to everyone who knew Ben and those who tried to help. this is so very sad and tragic.

AFSocksScylla said...

What tragic news. His family and friends will be in our thoughts at this sad time.

Martha said...

We are devastated to learn this news.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so very sorry to hear this news - our hearts go out to his family. You were so good to try to help.

Dexter said...


Mango Momma

Julia Williams said...

How very sad. I am sending purrs, prayers and healing thoughts to Ben's family and to all who loved him.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We are so sorry to see this -

Jan and The Funny Farmers were kind enough to send me an email Wednesday with the update from your blog -

I couldn't update the blog until now -

We'll light a candle for Ben and his family this evening -

Khyra and Phyll

Lorenza said...

My mom saw the news online this morning and she felt so sad.
Our thoughts are with Ben's family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Oh dear, we are so sorry to hear about this tragic. We are sending our thoughts and prayers to his family too!

Anonymous said...

We are sorry to hear of your loss.

Suka said...

What a devastating tragedy. We are so sorry for the heartbreaking end. Our love and prayers go out to all of Ben's family and friends. Such a handsome young man. It is just so very sad.

Suka and K

Asta said...

Oh What howwibull news..We awe so sad to heaw this devestating news.
We awe sending ouw love and sympafies to Ben's family. Can't imagine the bwoken heawts they have
West in Peace little Ben

smoochie kisses

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh what sad news. RIP Ben your life ended way to quickly. Send our love to his family...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Elaine Pritchard said...

Such sad news to read on my first visit to your blog.

Thank you for spreading the word and doing everything you did to try and help.

I'm sure it is some small comfort to his family that people have them in their thoughts and their hearts.