If you haven't yet then I urge you to read it now, you should also read The Marines Side of The Story
These are the stories that inspired my fundraiser.The roller coaster of emotions that I experienced reading them made me determined to do something to help.
One of the thoughts I had on reading these stories was that they should be in a book, as great and as inspiring as they were, they left me hungry for more!
So I'm happy to report that (if like me) you are hungry for more you don't have too long to wait.
Pen (or the Hero Marine as I like to call him) has written the book that will tug a million heartstrings and probably make us cry, laugh, scream and cheer in equal measures. Without even reading a page yet one thing I'm certain of is that this book is going to make us sit up in awe at the dedication and determination of a bunch of Marines who just couldn't walk away.
The book is due for release 5th February 2009 (so I don't have to think too hard about what to buy Mum for her birthday this year!!) and can be pre-ordered from Amazon's UK Site Here or you can sign up to be notified when it is available to order from Amazon's US Site Here.
I will be doing a book review upon it's release.. (well.. within a few days of it's release.. once Mum has finished reading it)
Personally I can't think of a better Valentine gift for your two leggeds!

Whilst we have talked a lot about Nowzad and his pals, we haven't said much about Pen and his fellow Marines...
Can I get a HUGE doggy round of Woos, Aroos, Wrooofs and Doggy Admiration for these truly inspiring men! (come on guys.. they are two leggeds but they ARE awesome two leggeds)
Ben x
I think I love these guys. Sending big wooooooos of respect and thanks to those mighty Marines!!!
PS: As our US Marines say, "HOO-RAH!"
w000f's and wooooo's and arooooo, fur those guys...
b safe,
This is a wonderful thing you are doing to advertise these dogs and to fundraise for them.
At least woo didn't say shameless pug or shameless lug!
I would love to give woo a shameless HUG!
I pawed our donation -
Hope woo got it!
PeeEssWoo: Keep up the good work!
Hi Ben,
Count me in on Nowzad Dogs, I'm more than happy to break my little piggy savings.
Please come by my blog to pick up the Award.
Wooooos from me!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Aww we love the poster... That is just awesome...
Yepper I am behind the camera staying out of the way of all those teeth...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
They're great - really truly what more humans should inspire to: to act on their compassion! We've been following their story for some time and hope it never stops being told and retold!
wow, Mom will definitely need some kleenex if she gets that book!!
Yes, I will need to read that book! I'm sure it will be inspirational and a tear-jerker. Thanks for the info :)
T-man's mom, CC-man & T-man Angel
Some humans are really so inspiring...
Can't wait to lay my paws on it!!
I think we will need tissues.
Simba x
Cant wait to read the book.
Love Ginger Jasper x
We're going to need to get that book! Such good work you're doing for these dogs, we really admire you!
Meany Mummy has a barkday in March, what a great gift idea - Thanks Ben & Sue
Lickies George
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